Monday, March 10, 2014

Concentration 1-7 & Breadth

Concentration 1

Concentration 2

Concentration 3

Concentration 4

Concentration 5

Concentration 6

Concentration 7

Self Image

Self Image

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Golden Ratio

overlays still in progress

Strengths And Weaknesses


  • Lighting (Studio and outdoor)
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Motion
  • Composition 
  • Color Scheme
  • Depth of Field
This photo does a great job of Rule of Thirds. The subject is positioned on the right, which allows space for other elements on the opposing side to be noticed. The bow is also tilted diagonally which represents another useful key element in composition. The lighting is very contrasted, and makes all the black in this photo stand out,  as well as the light source was positioned in a way to allow the model and prop to cast shadows. What makes this photo interesting and engaging, is the fact that it makes us think as we look at it. Why is the model in such a tight corner, what does the bow represent, what were the intentions of the artist, how does this make me feel?
This photo is something I aspire, due to the successful usage of colors.
The tones are very muted and warm. From the skin, to the hair, to the wall, the colors make
the photo what it is.  The lighting is very even and the shadows being where they are
help create depth to the photo. As far as composition, our eyes are drawn to the hands,
which represents a great use of composition

This is photo I took as I attempted
to imitate the use of rule of thirds in
composition, and also a more washed out
look while playing with colors!

Self Image